
Showing posts from 2010

Seibel kidz (watercolor & ink on watercolor paper)

Young Natalie Wood by Tara Seibel

The Graphic Canon: The Definitive Anthology of the World's Great Literature as Comics and Visuals

"pot of flowers" watercolor

"Landscape" watercolor

"Lady with orange beads" pen and watercolor on watercolor paper

"Little Monkey" pen and watercolor on watercolor paper

Pink Lady Apples

WKSU 89.7 NPR Arts & Entertainment story on Tara Seibel Harvey Pekar Collaboration

NPR "Around Noon" with Dee Perry

HELEN MIRREN spotted @ Comic-Con honoring Harvey Pekar

New York Times Artsbeat/Bits of Splendor

Lake View Cemetery (Ironically, where Harvey Pekar will be buried and the first comic I wrote.)

Jewish Review of Books "Upmanship & Downmanship" Written by Harvey Pekar Illustrated by Tara Seibel

Maggie Gyllenhaal


Gypsy Rose Lee

Crumb's Genesis